Conference Schedule
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Media Design 101 
Start the day by learning the foundations of good graphic design- an absolute "must" when it comes to creating your own church media. From gradients and font choices to working with layers and rasterization, we'll walk you through the basics.

Audio Workshop
Big church sound on a small church budget. Transform your music ministry by adding software instruments to fill out your sound, or learn to mix loud audio that won't have your congregation up in arms. Want to make (and repair) your own cables? We've got you covered.

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Podcasting/Internet Radio Basics
The first step in putting your services online. We'll take you through recording, uploading, and updating your podcast through iTunes and the web. Or maybe you'd like to stream your service audio live on your website or to your congregations mobile devices. We've got you covered.

Social Media
Status updates. Tweets. Vined. These days, if you have a phone it's almost a given that you be plugged in with the major social networks. But how can you leverage the usefulness of Facebook and Twitter without them becoming major distractions? Let us walk you through putting these tools to good use at your church.
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iPhone Apps 101
Chances are, a large section of your congregation (both young and old) are on iPhones. Having a church app keeps them connected throughout the week, and is a great way to deliver your sermon video and audio. This session walks you through setting up your first app, from start to compile, using absolutely free tools from Apple.

Preaching On A Budget
Finding and using appropriate media during a sermon can often times be as difficult as preparing the message itself. We'll teach you how to discover free resources (or create your own) that match the heart and intent of your sermon, and give you a brief overview of some of the newest presentation software.

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Basics Of Recording
Want to record your worship team for your congregation to listen to at home? Or maybe produce your own Bible study series. We'll show you how to start with a single mic and work up from there. Learn the dos and don'ts of recording as we share some of the keys (and mistakes) we've found.

Video Streaming
The number one best step you can take in terms of online ministry, streaming your services online is easier than ever. We'll walk you through multiple free and low cost options, from the cameras and stands to content distribution networks and encoding devices.

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Video Production
Want to film your own announcements videos? Or maybe you have a church promotional video in mind, but just can't seem to get that "professional" look. From budget lighting (can anyone say PVC?) to green screen effects, we'll show you the process and techniques you can use to create your own video studio- all within budget.

Motion/After Effects
Creating engaging non-cheesy effects in post production has always been a struggle for church media teams. Text can only "fly in" from the left so many times before your audience grows tired of it. During this session, learn to create professional looking effects you can use (tastefully) in your announcements, promos, and event recap videos.

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Often your website is the first (and many times only) impression you'll have on church seekers.Here we'll walk you through both the planning and building (or rebuilding) of your church's site. Learn about free and low cost tools that can get you up and running in no time, web hosts we've found to be reliable, and all the checklists to keep in mind to keep your site as up to date and professional as possible.
© 2013 Victory Harvest Church